Monday, March 30, 2009
Blu & Exile Wednesday April 1st::::::Washington DC

MN8 Presnts: Blu and Exile w/ Flex Mathews + Damu the Fudge Monk, Ardamus, and DJ Underdog. Tru Skool indeed!
Event Information:
Friday, April 01, 2009
8:00 PM - 3:00 AM
cover: $15.00
music: Hip Hop
Venue Information:
Bohemian Caverns
2001 11th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
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Sunday, March 29, 2009
What is Nori?

Many Asian foods call for the use of nori, a type of edible seaweed which is dried or toasted, and often sold in sheets. Nori has been consumed in Japan and China for centuries, and is an important part of Japanese cuisine especially. Most Western consumers are familiar with nori because it is used to wrap sushi, although the distinctive salty, slightly grassy flavor is also delicious eaten plain as well. As the seasons change, diet should change. Nori is a perfect substitute for bread or torilla. I was put on to it by a fellow vegan friend. It's great as a light snack with avocado or Sunshine burger. Most organic markets carry Nori, Dulse and other forms of seaweed. The valuable thing about seaweed is it has “All of the minerals required by human beings", including calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, and zinc are present in sufficient amounts. In addition, there are many trace elements in seaweeds. Edible plants from the sea also contain important vitamins including vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and folic acid. Analysis has shown trace amounts of vitamin B12, which rarely occurs in land vegetables. Be well!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

One thing that baffles me about society within the last 4 years is the fact that most people forget about things they were warned about 10 years beforehand. Things like tap water is contaminated, eating at McDonalds is harmful to your health, or cell phones have high radiation levels. So let us refresh your memory.
According to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), specific absorption rate, or SAR, is "a way of measuring the quantity of radio frequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body." For a phone to pass FCC certification, that phone's maximum SAR level must be less than 1.6 watts per kilogram. In Europe, the level is capped at 2W/kg while Canada allows a maximum of 1.6W/kg.Also, it's possible for results to vary between different editions of the same phone (such as a handset that's offered by multiple carriers).
While research abounds and some tests have shown that cell phone radio frequency (RF) could accelerate cancer in laboratory animals, the studies have not been replicated. Cell phones can affect internal pacemakers, but there is not conclusive or demonstrated evidence that they cause adverse health affects in humans. Conversely, there is not conclusive or demonstrated evidence that they don't cause adverse health affects in humans. So, in short, the jury is still out, research is ongoing, and we will continue to monitor its results.
So what is radiation? In short Radiation is the emission (sending out) of energy from any source. The light that comes from the sun is a source of radiation, as is the heat that is constantly coming off our bodies. When talking about radiation, however, most people think of specific kinds of radiation such as that produced by radioactive materials or nuclear reactions. Most forms of radiation have been linked to cancer. Skin reactions were observed in many people working with early x-ray generators, and by 1902 the first radiation-caused cancer was reported in a skin sore. Within a few years, a large number of such skin cancers had been observed. The first report of leukemia (a cancer of the bone marrow) in radiation workers appeared in 1911. Marie Curie, the discoverer of radium, and her daughter are believed to have died of radiation-caused leukemia. Since that time, many studies have confirmed the cancer-causing effects of some types of radiation.
FCC is monitored my "higher ups" when warnings are advertised and people decrease there buying needs. This means that when there is a widespread panic, when the "gov" realizes there will be a potential decline in sales or loss in "there" ability to monitor you, they regulate the amount of information you receive. The FCC Web site currently does not provide information on models certified before 1998. But doing a little more of my own research, I found out that cell phone purchases increased from 4.5mil in sales to 20.8mil in sales since 1998. This means people by more cell phones right? Rates got cheaper and usage increased. It's funny, the same thing happened with food. The food gets contaminated...people stop eating as much junk(for a minute)...value meals and prices are more prevalent...and you end up eating more junk in the long run. They have you figured out kids. So who's really listening?
Here's the list.

Be well!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Medication Only Medicates

RIP Washington D.C. Bike Messenger "Mark" (((March 23))). After a 2 day warning from his doctor he passed of stomach ulcers. Here is some info I gathered for those that are feeling ill inside and don't know why.
Stomach ulcers are sores that form in the lining of the stomach (see figure). They may vary in size from a small sore to a deep cavity 1 to 2 inches wide, surrounded by an inflamed area, and are sometimes called ulcer craters.
Stomach ulcers and ulcers that form in the esophagus and in the lining of the duodenum the upper part of the small intestine) are called peptic ulcers because they need acid and the enzyme pepsin to form. Duodenal ulcers are the most common type, tend to be smaller than stomach ulcers, and heal more quickly. Much of what can be said about the cause, diagnosis, treatment, and future outlook for duodenal ulcers is also true for stomach ulcers. However, since stomach ulcers present both doctors and patients with unique problems, this fact sheet focuses on ulcers that develop in the stomach lining, also called gastric ulcers.
Who Is at Risk for Stomach Ulcers?
Twenty percent of the 4 million Americans with ulcers have stomach ulcers. People most at risk are those who smoke, middle-age and older men, and chronic users of alcohol, anti-inflammatory drugs including aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
What Is the Stomach's Role in Digestion?
The stomach is, essentially, a bag of muscle and other tissue located near the center of the abdomen just below the ribcage. When food is swallowed, it travels into the stomach through the esophagus, the long tube that passes from the mouth to the stomach.
While in the stomach, food is crushed and mixed by the forceful contractions of the stomach muscle. The food is mixed with, and partially digested by, acid and pepsin. The presence of acid and pepsin in the stomach is normal, and in most people they do not cause problems. In some people, however, these powerful substances are responsible for forming ulcers.
What Causes Stomach Ulcers?
Most people who develop duodenal ulcers produce more than the usual amount of stomach acid. Unlike duodenal ulcers, however, most stomach ulcers are not caused by the production of too much acid, though the presence of some acid is necessary for the ulcer to form.
Scientists suspect that the resistance of the stomach lining to acid and pepsin is lowered in those people who develop stomach ulcers and that even normal, or less than normal, amounts of these two substances can lead to the formation of an ulcer. It is thought that the lower resistance of the stomach lining allows the acid and pepsin to break down the stomach lining in much the same way that these juices digest food.
What Causes the Stomach Lining To Break Down?
How or why the resistance of the stomach lining is lowered is still not known. However, it is likely that a combination of environmental and genetic factors is responsible.
Researchers believe that certain drugs (including alcohol), chemicals, smoking, and food ingredients can damage the stomach lining. This damage, in turn, lowers the resistance of the stomach lining to acid and pepsin. Substances that are normally present in the intestine and sometimes flow back into the stomach in large amounts also can damage the stomach lining, as well as harmful bacteria, which are normally killed by the acid content of the stomach.
Also, the regular use of aspirin and other related drugs used to treat arthritis such as the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been shown to be an important factor in stomach ulcer development. Because aspirin is an ingredient in many over-the-counter drugs, you may wish to purchase a pain reliever or other preparation that does not contain aspirin. Check with your doctor or your pharmacist for the names of suitable products.
There is mounting evidence that an S-shaped bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, (previously called Campylobacter pylori) may be a factor in the development of stomach ulcers. H. pylori live in the mucous lining of the stomach near the surface cells and may go undetected for years. Some researchers believe that irritation to the stomach caused by the bacteria may weaken the lining, making it more susceptible to damage by acid and resulting in the formation of ulcers.
However, the findings are still inconclusive that H. pylori is a cause of stomach ulcers, which seem to be caused by multiple factors under study by researchers.
Do Stomach Ulcers Run in Families?
Heredity plays a role in the development of some ulcers, although the majority of people with stomach ulcers do not have a family history of this type of ulcer. However, if a member of a family develops a stomach ulcer, it is more likely that another close family member also will develop one. The same is true of duodenal ulcers.
What Are Stomach Ulcer Symptoms?
Stomach ulcers may or may not cause any symptoms. Some stomach ulcers are found by chance during an upper gastrointestinal x-ray examination performed for some other reason. However, when symptoms do occur, the most common one is pain in the upper abdomen, which may occur after eating or during the middle of the night and may be partially or completely relieved by eating and juicing green leafy vegetables like Broccoli, red cabbage, and cauliflower and especially sprouts. Be well.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Running March 27th, Black Light Special Afro Beat Party is a monthly party established to introduce world music and dancing to the vast array of people from around the world. This is a sweat party yall, no "holding up the wall" business here. You miss those clubs that you could go to and it would be one red light and tons of people dancing. You miss the spots where you could just go dance by yourself and not worry about some dude begging for your number all night. Well, we bring that vibe back on March 27th.
LunchBox Theory brings it to you live and direct.
10PM til Early Rise>>>>>
Soundscape by DJ Underdog:: No Ipods/Serato/Playlists/CD's etc etc in a cashmere sweatera!!
AfroBeat/AfroSoul/AfroCuban/NuyoricanSoul/NigerianFunk and some sprinkles of Organic House
@ Selam Bar and Restaurant ::1524 U st (between 15th a& 16th)
Age: 21+
$1.00 admission
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