So I have decided to begome a pescetarian in January of '09. No applause because I have not been as successful as I should have been with my dietary restrictions. When I first made the decision, it was for a few reasons; digestive problems and ever since I saw a recording of animal cruelty within slaughter houses for the market, I never felt comfortable eating it. So I set out to eat only fish and I bragged about how I "don't eat meat" but still wore (and still have) leather boots, bags, eat eggs (baby chickens), etc. I remember sitting at lunch with my best friend Shannon and her asking me, "well if you don't eat meat because of how animals are treated, why are you wearing them?" I replied, "I know, don't tell me before I feel forced to give away all of my stuff" and laughed:(! I realized at that moment that I really didn't know WHY I decided to make my choice anymore.
Then the summer came.....awwwwww lord, BBQ's and I'm the only person asking for veggie burgers!? (of course they looked at me as though I was crazy) To make a long story short, I slipped a few times over the summer. Now, I choose not to label myself but to make decisions that are best for my personal goals for my body and health.
I haven't had meat in a while but I loooovvvveeee cheese and I am used to having substance so I eat fish. Today I decided to look up why I shouldn't eat dairy and I was curious to know how it was affecting my body. After reading some of the things I have found, I think it's best for me to start indulging in what natural things the creator has blessed us with! I am sure everyone on this blog knows what dairy does to your body, how it's not able to be broken down and it rots in your intestins, etc. but what I didn't know is the effects of parasites that meat and fish included have on your body....one being the damaging affects it can have on the brain and health affects. It can cause Blood sugar imbalances, bloating, sugar cravings, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain or loss, teeth grinding or TMJ, diarrhea, itching, irritability, malnutrition, anemia, and immune deficiency amongst many others.
The issue is that with some of these parasites, mainly those created by pork (tateworms), is that the eggs from these animals (including fish) once swallowed can latch on to the intestine wall. Once that is done and the eggs hatch, the enzymes (researches are not sure specifically how) can go into the blood stream and enter the
blood to brain barrier and cause a disease called neurocysticercosis. This disease allows the parasite to feed amongst your brain cells to cause brain cell damage, headaches, nausea, dizziness, altered mental states, and SEIZURES!!!! Over 50 million people die around the world, mainly in 3rd world countries from this disease. The issue is that many people, including americans, have parasites and won't feel the affects of their symptoms until years later.
Here are a list of parasites and what illness they may cause:
Giardia lamblia are protozoan parasites that infect humans via consumption of contaminated food and water. It’s commonly found in untreated water supplies, and is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in travelers, but people sometimes pick them up while swimming in ponds and lakes. Giardia is responsible for the condition known as giardiasis that causes diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramping, weight loss, greasy stools, and dehydration.
Toxoplasma gondii is another protozoan organism commonly found in the colon. Cats and kittens often carry it, and it can be transmitted to humans who handle of cats – especially their feces. You can also be infected with them by breathing in their eggs. Toxoplasma is responsible for the disease toxoplasmosis, which causes chills, fever, headaches and fatigue. If a pregnant woman contracts toxoplasmosis, it can lead to miscarriage, or birth defects such as blindness and mental retardation.
Roundworms are are the most common intestinal parasite in the world, affecting over one billion people. They’re also one of the largest parasites, and can grow to up to 30 inches in length. Humans can contract a roundworm infection by eating improperly cooked meat, or by handling dogs or cats infested with roundworms. Symptoms include loss of appetite, allergic reactions, coughing, abdominal pain, edema, sleep disorders, and weight loss.
Hookworms are able to penetrate the human skin, and often enter the body through the feet when people walk barefoot through contaminated areas. They can be all over the world, in warm, moist tropical areas, and can live in the intestines for up to fifteen years. A hookworm infection may cause symptoms such as itchy skin, blisters, nausea, dizziness, anorexia, and weight loss.
Trichinella parasites, caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked pork, can can mimic the symptoms of up to fifty different diseases. Possible symptoms of infection include muscle soreness, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, edema of the lips and face, difficulty breathing, difficulty speaking, enlarged lymph glands, and extreme dehydration.
Tapeworms are the largest colon parasites that are known to infect humans. There are different types of tapeworms that infect different animals – there are beef tapeworms, pork tapeworms, fish tapeworms, and dog tapeworms. They can grow to several feet in length and live in the intestines for up to 25 years. Symptoms of a tapeworm infection are diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, and change of appetite.
Flukes, or Trematodas, are small flatworms that can penetrate the human skin when an individual is swimming or bathing in contaminated water. Flukes can travel throughout the body and settle in the liver, lungs or intestines. Symptoms of a fluke infection include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and swelling.
Hope this was alarming to you as it was to me!