Externally using coconut oil for hair certainly has its benefits. But don't forget its internal application. Genes, stress, illness, malnutrition, medication, hormonal imbalance, etc. all have something to say about your hair's well-being.
Cooking with coconut oil is one easy way of maintaining good overall health including your hair. The antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic blessings of this humble oil can assist tremendously in giving your hair full body and radiance.
Did you know that a poor thyroid function can have a profound impact on your hair? Very few people know that thyroid disease often manifests first in the condition of the hair. A coconut oil diet can promote normal thyroid gland activity such as controlling how your body makes protein necessary for hair roots.
CNO also reduces your need for Vitamin E which helps keep proper blood circulation towards your scalp. It also assists in making sure your follicle cells receive enough oxygen for growth.
Don't forget that scalp skin is just like the rest of your skin. For this reason, coconut oil uses for skin are just as remarkable.
As mentioned above, your hair situation is very much linked to your general well-being. Any deficiency in your body typically manifests itself first in your hair. When your body is under some sort of pressure, it re-prioritizes its processes. Your vital organs are attended to first which could starve your hair follicles of oxygenated blood.
Hair Facts
Your head has about 100,000 hair follicles. Each follicle can grow about 20 individual hairs in your lifetime. Your hair grows at an average rate of half an inch per month and falls off at around 100 strands per day.
You need to understand that the condition of your hair is dependent on your overall health. No shampoo, conditioner, lotion, cream, spray, foam or whatever, can single-handedly give you enduring healthy hair. The positive effects derived from each of these methods are extremely temporary or short-term at best.
True healthy hair begins at underneath the surface of your scalp. The living part of your hair is in the hair follicle. Blood carries nutrients through arteries connected to your hair follicles. Poor eating habits and stress to name a couple can deprive your hair of sufficient nourishment making it dry and dull.
Taking care of your hair is much more than skin deep. You must approach hair care from within. Coconut oil and hair growth goes hand-in-hand and is safe and chemical-free. It replaces the natural oils your hair looses on a regular basis.
The protective environment of the skin and how coconut oil helps
Antiseptic fatty acids in coconut oil help to prevent fungal and bacterial infections in the skin when it is consumed and to some extent, when it is applied directly to the skin. The only way to gain entry into the body other than through the natural openings, such as the nose and mouth, is by penetrating the skin. When the skin's defenses break down, infections can result. Acne, ringworm, herpes, boils, athlete's foot, and warts are just some of the infectious conditions that can affect the skin and body.
The biggest chemical barrier to infectious organisms is the acid layer on the skin. Healthy skin has a pH of about 5, making it slightly acidic. Our sweat (containing uric and lactic acids) and body oils promote this acidic environment. For this reason, sweat and oil do us good. Harmless bacteria can tolerate the acid and live on the skin, but troublesome bacteria can't thrive and their numbers are few.
The oil our bodies produce is called sebum. Sebum is secreted by oil glands (sebaceous glands) located at the root of every hair as well as other places. This oil is very important to skin health. It softens and lubricates the skin and hair and prevents the skin from drying and cracking. Sebum also contains medium chain fatty acids, in the form of medium chain triglycerides, that can be released to fight harmful germs.
Our skin is home to many tiny organisms, most of which are harmless; some are beneficial. At least one variety of bacterium is essential to the healthy environment on our skin. It feeds on the sebum, breaking down the tryglycerides into free fatty acids. The bacteria actually feed on the glycerol part of the triglyceride. This leaves fatty acids which are now "freed" from the glycerol unit that held them together. Medium chain fatty acids which are bound to the glycerol unit as they are in coconut oil have no antimicrobial properties. However, when they are broken apart into free fatty acids, they become powerful antimicrobials.
So these bacteria convert the medium chain triglycerides (in the sebum or on the skin) into free fatty acids that can kill disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The combination of the slightly acid pH and medium chain fatty acids provides a protective chemical layer on the skin that prevents infection from disease-causing organisms. Due primarily to the action of bacteria, the oil on the surface of your skin and hair is composed of between 40 and 60 percent free fatty acids. The medium chain fatty acids in the sebum provide the protective layer on the skin that kills harmful germs. Coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium chain fatty acids.
Be Well...Bless>>>>>