It seems almost hard to believe these days that MONK was once just another kid spray painting in an alley somewhere. But as we see the layers and lines on canvas diving over and underneath brush strokes you can tell the soul of a teenage anarchist is still lurking down there somewhere. Catch MONK @ Tryst Thursday January 8th from 8PM to 10PM. More than just art. Is that cliche? Well, you be the jusdge. One of these things just doesn'd belong here. Alongside MONK will be DJ Underdog, mashing and blending obscure music not found on your favorite blogs or playlists. Bring a recorder of some sort. Check out a ton of great art from MONK at www.sunmonk.com! Bless!
Tryst Coffeehouse 2459 18th Street NW . Washington, DC 20009 202-232-5500
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