If one mineral were awarded first prize for its beneficial effects on immune function, it would be zinc. A co factor in a wide variety of enzymatic reactions, zinc is crucial to immune function and wound healing. Miso soup or miso in general contains the one the highest levels of zinc in any enzyme. Believe it or not, you can buy fresh miso soup from most Asian restaurants. I have prepared fresh Miso Soup at home but in my opinion it just seems to taste more "live" from a restaurant.
The origins of miso, like many other foods made from soybeans, can be traced to ancient China. Its predecessor was known as "hisio," a seasoning made from fermenting soybeans, wheat, alcohol, salt and other ingredients. Some accounts hold that it was a luxury food item, only enjoyed by the wealthy aristocrats.
The creation of miso is very complex and is held as a high art in Asia, just as wine making and cheese making are revered in other parts of the world. Its the same aged enzymatic process folks. If you choose to make Miso at home always eat it fresh and NEVER re-heat it. It kills any valuable nutrients. It's a total waste if you do.Because it is fermented with a B12-synthesizing bacteria, miso has been commonly recommended as a B12 source for vegans. Miso is quite high in sodium (1 ounce contains 52% of the recommended daily value for sodium), but a little miso goes a long way towards providing your daily needs for the trace minerals zinc, manganese, and copper. In addition, a single tablespoon of miso contains 2 grams of protein for just 25 calories. Speaking of protein...why do so many people think protein is so important? I always hear, "how can you be vegan...you won't get your protein...meat has protein etc etc etc etc etc blah blah". Well if you know like I know, your protein needs depend on your activity level. Most people are not as active as they were when they were in high school, let's face it. So your daily need for protein should be low. If your not active daily, your body needs about 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight. To figure out your daily needs, follow this simple formula:
* Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 – this is your weight in kilograms.
Example: if you weigh 150 pounds,
150 / 2.2 = 68.2
* Multiply this number by 0.8 – this is the number of grams of protein you need each day.
Example: 68.2 * 0.8g = 54.6;
You would need about 55 grams of protein per day. 55 GRAMS!!!!
Answer: 55 g = 0.121254 lb.....That's Nothing!!! .01 lbs
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