Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hErb oF tHe wEek.....:::: SENNA?

This tea is a laxative so it comes with three warnings, only two cups a day one morning one evening.Second warning it should not be given to children under the age of six Third and final warning pregnant women or women who are breast feeding should not use it.

Senna Tea Benefits have been studied and recognized by generations of herbal medicine practitioners. Senna has been regarded highly for its laxative and colon cleansing effects.

Also known as senna alexandrina, the senna is a scrubby desert plant native to North Africa and Arabia.

Both the leaves and seeds of the senna plant are medicinal. Its constituents are glycosides, sennosides, anthraquinones, flavonoids, mucilage, sugars and resins. The medicinal properties may be derived throughsenna tea.


The herb senna is a found in many colon cleanse products.


Senna tea is prepared by pouring hot water over ½ to 2 grams of crushed senna leaves or seeds, and then steeped for about 10 minutes.


Senna tea should be taken in moderate doses as liver and kidney impairment and failure may result from taking large quantities at extended periods of time. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid takingsenna tea, as well as those with heart disease and anemia. Potassium loss may result from excessive use of senna tea. It is recommended that consultation with doctors and medical practitioners be made before taking senna tea and other herbal remedies.

Taking senna tea in the right amount and dosage gives relief from chronic constipation, something that our forefathers have proven time and again. BE WELLER THAN GOODER>>


1 comment:

RonnyDepth said...

i have used Senna before. ITS NO JOKE. Please, use caution and discretion when consuming. Or else u'll be sh**ting like crazy. Love is love.