Sunday, July 4, 2010

New: Cody ChesnuTT "Do Better To The Young" ▒░▐:▒░▐▒░▐:▒░▐

At the latest,you will know "Cody Chesnutt" from his "The Seed" collaboration with "The Roots" on their "Phrenology" album. Do Better To The Young is the first track you can listen to of his new EP, Black Skin/No Value.He is a great singer and if you know his Live music,you will feel what i mean.No download for this track,only embed options if you want.Respect the artists.BigUp Okayplayer.


WendyDay said...

OMG. He is my husband. His music is so sweet and on point. great sound, true talent.O.k this is the one of the most honest songs I heard a male sing!!!!! The fucked up honesty makes my heart smirk!! = ^

Silhouette Brown said...

I know it has been a while since i commented but I still read everyday. This song just needed my words. I love Cody. Wish the song was longer but aren't all the best songs short?