Sunday, October 11, 2009


CASCARA SAGRADA, was first used by Native Americans as a laxative and was known to them as "sacred bark". The Native Americans passed on their knowledge of their "sacred bark" to Spanish explorers.

Internal Cleansing and Cascara

There are a numerous benefits to cleansing the colon, and Cascara Sagrada plays a key role in the cleansing process. It is widely believed, in the medical field that the build up of toxic materials in the colon can contribute to illness. "Many current physicians agree that bacterial poisons absorbed from the intestinal tract can contribute to almost every chronic disease known" .

Cascara Sagrada increases the wavelike contractions of the bowel which cleanses and tones the colon. The cleansing rids the colon of toxic waste and the toning helps to prevent against future build-up. Your colon is dependent upon this type of cleansing maintenance in order to for you to have proper elimination. Cascara Sagrada is an excellent cleanser and toner of the bowel whether taken alone or in conjunction with other herbs.

Gallbladder, Pancreas and Liver Function and Cascara

Cascara Sagrada can help to heal your whole body, and this is evident in the positive effects it has on other organ function. This herb can stimulate the secretions from your liver and pancreas and stimulate your gallbladder. Increased secretions of the liver and pancreas will enhance your overall digestive process and enable your gallbladder ducts to rid gallstones more easily.

Summary of Benefits

* Effective treatment for chronic constipation and symptoms relating to constipation.
* Not habit forming and helps cleanse and restore natural tone of your colon.
* Helps to relieve problems with hemorrhoids and anal fissures through forming softer bowel movements.
* It helps to increase secretions from your liver and pancreas, which stimulates your gallbladder and increases overall health of your digestive system.

1 comment:

BenjiB said...

Finally....Thanks Gang