Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why haven't I seen a Cashew in its Shell.....

I am always so happy and thankful to witness oddities in nature, whether its a finding or gifted to me somehow. They are one in the same, our findings are often our most precious treasures....One of my sis got an opportunity to harvest cashews in Nicaragua a while back and happened to have a bag of them in their shells. Its one of my favorites, to see how things truly occur in nature. The way they exist to us is so far from how they live in South America or the Caribbean, their root. How we can eat an Almond, Walnut, Pecan, or Brazil nut directly from its shell, is far from possible with cashews. They are actually seeds that grow inside of a shell that grows on a fruit. In South America, the fruit is eaten and the seed (cashew) is thrown away. How abundant, one fruit, that two cultures utilize and know in different ways, but that's everywhere outside of the U.S. isn't it? ( us ignorant americans) Nature is really yielding in that way though. Its not like a fruit I have ever seen, kind of like a red or yellow pepper with a hard worm-like shell on top of it. They don't really go together but, the best things, kind of don't. We definitely pay more for the exotic, but in this case, its due to the harvesting process. The process can be very intense, involved, and uncomfortable for handlers. In its raw state, cashews contain urushiol, a chemical found in poison ivy and oak. Consuming and handling completely raw cashews can result in symptoms reminiscent of poison ivy and oak. They must go through a steaming process which makes them safe for consumption. I had an Aha moment as to why cashews are always kind of wrinkled. Who would of thought that it was good old fashioned steam. So, none of us have ever really had a raw cashew, its kind of nature's law. I give thanks to and for the folks who are masters of this ancient craft of harvesting and cultivating. Without them, there would be a lot of sick folks out there with no information, I don't know which one is really worse. More important, its about sharing the knowledge and spreading the wealth of those things that are naturally occurring all around us... Be Gratuitous.....Bless....


TomTheInsomniacMagMan said...

Travel Travel Travel. Peace!

ImanSelecta said...

Amazing read.