Friday, December 18, 2009

Adorned::Real Make-UP

Bless..Bless..Bless..Hope this day finds you all feeling well and warm. Growing up, I wasn't in a hurry to wear make-up, at least not how I saw folks around me wearing it. Make-up, to me was always about creating characters, the opportunity to be someone or something else. We were encouraged to beautify the skin that we woke up with, whether it was about drinking more water, minding the foods that we ate, or just moisturizing well. It was a real simple recipe. Now, when I think about make-up its more about adornment, taking me to the images of folks in the world, who are true masters in it. I always said if I ever wore make-up, I would want it to look like this...

1 comment:

SugarMapleGirl, Boston said...

Give thanks