Sunday, December 27, 2009

An Organic Start in Life ....

Peace Family

I am going to talk about something that right now is very important to me at this point of my life. The eduction that I have received on this topic this year has been an eye opener, especially as there have been many myths and taboos surrounding the subject.
Its the first food that will ever touch a humans lips, the first calorie the first vitamin the first meal.

As we all know since time began women have been breast feeding their off springs, it still continues today, however the amount of women in the western culture who are maintaining this is scarily declining - some people believe that in the first six months of life babies are not able to thrive on breast milk alone and need to supplement them with artificial milk that are sold in the store. The truth is the best food for babies in the first six months is human milk. African and Asian women around the continents still live by this method of feeding. On average, breastfed babies have fewer infections in their early life. In particular, they have less diarrhoea and vomiting, chest infections, and ear infections compared to babies who are not breast fed. The main reason for this is that antibodies and other proteins are passed in the breast milk from mother to baby. These help to protect against infection.

In developed countries such as the UK the reduction in the risk of infection is significant. In developing countries such as certain countries in Africa the reduction in the risk of infection is dramatic. For example, a review in 42 developing countries estimated that exclusive breastfeeding for six months, with partial breastfeeding continuing to 12 months, could prevent 1.3 million deaths each year in children under five years..

Natural milk contains all the nutrition at their specific amount that the each individual infant needs not to mention organic and tailor made. Most people are unaware that Adults and Children are lactose intolerant to cows milk, however Human milk is nutritionally superior to cows milk and easier to digest.

It contains all the nutrients, antibodies, hormones, antioxidants and other factors an infant needs to thrive.

• Breastmilk prepares the baby for the variety of tastes he will come across in later life. Constantly changing flavour it is sometimes sweet, spicy, nutty and so on. Therefore, it is a gentle introduction to the outside world.

• Breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from childhood cancers, eczema and asthma. And if a breastfed baby does get ill, the illness is often less severe than it would otherwise have been.

• Breastfed babies brains develop more quickly. They have higher IQ's. Jaws and teeth develop with fewer problems than bottlefed babies. Speech development is also more advanced.

• Breastfed babies are less likely to suffer cot death.

• Mum's immune system is constantly on the look out for infection and illness. When it detects anything white blood cells flood her milk and therefore baby has an improved immune response. As a result gastroenteritis, a nasty tummy bug, is much less prevalent in breastfed babies.

• Breastmilk is always available on demand and is always the correct temperature and consistency for the baby.

• Baby can always be comforted when distressed or ill. Sucking on a lovely soft mummy-smelling breast is extremely comforting. It is also much less harmful to teeth than a sugary drink or feed.

• No packaging or processing is involved in supplying breastmilk; so breastfeeding protects the environment. Baby will grow up in a cleaner world!

Advantages in long-term health:

Many studies have looked at the possible long-term health benefits of breastfeeding. There is now good evidence that, on average, the following health problems in later life are less common in those who had been breast fed compared to those who had not:.

•Obesity and overweight
•High blood pressure
•High cholesterol level

and for the mothers :

Nursing helps mum lose weight after baby is born
Breast feeding requires an average of 500 extra calories per day and breastfeeding mothers who eat a normal diet lose the extra weight they gained during pregnancy faster than mums who choose to bottle feed. In one study, mothers who breastfed exclusively or partially had significantly larger reductions in hip circumference and weigh less above their pre-pregnancy weights at 1 month postpartum than mothers who fed formula exclusively

The problem these days, is living in big cities as I do in London, breastfeeding doesn't seem as convenient for some young urban working mothers, alternatively using formula which in turn expands baby's stomach and slows down digestion seems the next best thing. Some mothers feel they do not want to feed in public, but my view is ..breast feeding is the most natural part of child bearing and the more people are educated with the untold amount of benefits (too many more to mention in this blog) the more accepting the public will be, hopefully more and more women will exclusively breast feed as time goes on.

Be Well and Good - especially for our new generation
Lions Mountain

'New Mama'

London UK


WendyDay said...

mothers nutrition is just as important as the childs. What you eat affects the milk alwayz :D

Najma said...

Wonderful Post y Welcome Sis

Kita said...

Natural at home births and breast feeding are so key. Reminders are always good. I was showing this to a coworker and she said this blog has the most randomly potent news in one space. I agree... I sooooo want to write for this blog.

Kasey360 said...


My name is Kasey and i am in my 28th week of my first pregnancy. I plan to breast feed my baby exclusively. Lately I have had some pain in my nipples is there a safe way to relive this pain. I have heard some of the tips giving to pregnant women can harm breastfeeding so I want a nice safe way to help this pain and discomfort. Any tips?
Is this pain caused by my breast preparing to breast feed?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Study finds that most women who breast feed don't do it for long enough. Best to do it 4 six months exclusively (only giving the baby breast milk and nothing else) and then non-exclusively for another 6 months thereafter. Check out the article here:

Najma said...

Kasey>>>Calendula Nipple Salve