Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LOVE AND ROCKERS by Ted Bafaloukos and Vice Mag >>>

Theodoros Bafaloukos wrote and directed Rockers, the film that single-handedly made Jamaica and reggae interesting to couch-cozy white folks, their stoner kids, and a bunch of famous English punks with guitars. Today, Ted is not so reclusive as he is remote, spending his time at his childhood home on the secluded Greek island of Andros. Over 30 years after the film's initial release, they made the long journey for this, his first-ever print interview. Thanks VICE FOR THE LINK>>>

“Me and Leroy ‘Horsemouth’ Wallace, the legendary pioneering drummer and star of Rockers, modeling in downtown Kingston, 1977.”

“It was the summer of 1977 and we were shooting Rockers in St. Ann’s, on the north side of Jamaica. The actors and the crew carried supplies and equipment through the hills to shoot a scene in a ganja field.”

“This area, known as ‘Idlers’ Rest,’ was around the corner from Randy’s Record Shop. Musicians, singers, and would-be singers would loaf about listening to the newest 45s spin, waiting to be called in for a session.”

“Pablo again, this time with a ukulele on the abandoned ruins of the elevated West Side Highway in downtown Manhattan, 1975.”

“The late Richard ‘Dirty Harry’ Hall. He was a brilliant tenor saxophonist and co-star of the film. This picture was taken in Horsemouth’s yard off Maxfield Ave. in the heart of Kingston’s ghettos in 1976.”

“By winter, we’d finished filming and I’d moved back to New York. Many of the Rockers cast came to visit. This is Horsemouth on the roof of my Tribeca loft.”

“Pablo and friends, with the World Trade Center in the background.”

“The weed in Kingston was schwag. Horsemouth compensated by smoking large quantities throughout the day.”

“This picture of Augustus Pablo predates the Rockers shoot. In November of 1974, Pablo had come to play his first-ever US shows. This was opening night at the Tropical Cove nightclub in Brooklyn.”


JAHsun! said...


Tribal Immunity said...

I love love love ROCKERS!!! One of best Jamaican films. Nice pics.


ImanSelecta said...

Horsemouth Star!

WendyDay said...


EF Captain BG said...
