Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Get More Comfrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comfrey is often called the miracle herb. It has been in use for several centuries, and references to the usage of this herb can be found in books dating back to the sixteenth century. The comfrey plant is found in abundance in Europe and regions of Asia, which have a temperate climate. It is commonly found in England, along the riverbanks, ditches and watery places, in general. A well-known plant of the Forget-me-not tribe, the plant stands erect, and is hairy all over.

The nutritive value of the comfrey plant is known to be almost comparable to several green leafy vegetables, which we consume regularly. Formerly, people in the villages cultivated this herb in their backyards as an asset in wound healing. In the middle ages, it was widely used as a cure for broken bones.

The many uses of the Comfrey plant are:

  • Since the content of mucilage is high in the plant, it has been used for intestinal disorders.
  • It is also used as a gentle cure for diarrhea and dysentery.
  • It is widely prescribed for pulmonary ailments, consumption and bleeding of gums.
  • If taken in the form of a strong decoction, it aids in the treatment of internal hemorrhage and bleeding piles.
  • It has also been a popular ingredient in the preparation of homeopathic medicines.
  • The leaves of the comfrey plant are used in providing relief in deep cuts, boils and abscesses.
  • It is excellent in the healing of the inflammation arising out of sprains, bruises and around the immediate areas of fractured bones.
  • Comfrey is also used as an effective cure for external ulcers, as well in ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  • The high presence of the Allantoin ingredient has been acknowledged in the old books also, and the use of this restrains the spitting of blood. This ingredient can be quickly absorbed deep into the skin.
  • Comfrey is also used as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial treatment.
  • Since it leaves no scars, the comfrey herb is also used in the treatment of burns.
  • The paste of the roots of the comfrey plant, if applied to fresh cuts and wounds, are known to provide immediate relief. This is especially effective in the healing of broken bones, sprains and fractures.
  • Sometimes, it is used as a mild sedative, astringent and expectorant.

Since it is a proliferant, the process of healing is speeded up because of rapid growth of new cells. Widely considered to be effective in the rejuvenation of cells, Allantoin is now also being developed by the modern medicine companies in the artificial form.

It is rich in Vitamins C, A and B12, and also is a good source of protein. It has high amounts of magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and iron, and also has a high content of fiber.

1 comment:

Kita said...

I need some of this, Sounds vital